Friday, 24 May 2013


Yep, that's right! This weekend, I'm going to be the MCM expo selling hard copies of JINN Episode 1 to 3 for all those that want a copy (and that's everybody, you all just don't know it yet).

Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to book a table at the comic village so missing one of those, I had to find another table (which was a hell of a lot more expensive). Regardless of all that, I'll be in N7 behind a KIRUcomics banner selling my comics so come check me out... right next to ajiey media (we're sharing the crazy expensive table).

Just to show you that i'm serious about being there this time you can see my preparations

Rollup Banner which will let all know where I am

Free bookmarks which you get with a purchase of a book

|Jinn Episode 1 to 3 for sale 

Thursday, 9 May 2013


I realize that a few people are still unsure as to what exactly the Almier project is? why it's called Almier if it has the same story and character as Jinn? and why stop Jinn? Well this post is going to clear it all up once and for all.

KIRUcomics projects broken down