Saturday 3 January 2015



Imo is free and available to all to read on our website.

We're glad to announce that we have finally completed our latest and newest project; Imo.
Imo is a 20 page, one-off, full colour comic that deals with a real issue that we are facing in the world we live in today.

The comic is starring the philosopher and story teller Dr Catel and the African superhero Arakurin; the story tells how hearts clouded with hatred and ignorance leads mankind to do evil deeds. The word Imo itself means Knowledge in the Yoruba language. It is an entertaining as well as informative story and can now be read for free on our website at

When words fail, it's time for Arakurin to step into action. 

Arakurin & Dr Catel are the main heroes in this story. Dr Catel is a wise and ageless philosopher and story-teller. Arakurin is a superhero in Africa whose special power is the ability to teleport. He is also a master of a particular martial arts that focuses on pressure points allowing him to paralyse and incapacitate his opponents without hurting them too much.

Look out in the future for more works featuring Arakurin.

Friday 18 July 2014


Kirucomics was at the LFCC this past weekend telling the world about "Jinn Detectives" and selling our one-shot graphic novel "Champion of Dema". It was a wondrous weekend.

We had a blast and met many awesome individuals. The kirucomics team created a buzz at the convention, we had Hani at the convention in the flesh. Then we made him go missing within the large throng of people and challenged the fans to find him and take a picture with him, tweeting with the hashtag #WheresHani. 

When they found Hani, he would inform them about who he was and what he was doing. Which was that he was a supernatural detective from the Jinn Detectives chasing after a particularly mischievous Jinn that had taken shelter at the convention.
This way not only were we able to inform people about this new comic series but we also made it fun and interesting for the people :).

We also enjoyed networking, selling hard copies of the "Champion of Dema" graphic novel and taking portrait commissions. All in all it was a successful weekend.

Monday 7 July 2014


Entry 416
Sunday 06th July 2014

Just got back from the commissioner's latest case. It has been one long episode of trials and tribulations, and I suppose it didn’t help that my stomach felt like it was devouring itself the whole day. I tell you, it’s not easy chasing bad guys whilst fasting.
The case involved a business man's daughter who had been kidnapped using the services of an Ifrit. We started off strong; Ninil managed to track down the daughter and we found the man responsible. Unfortunately I blew our cover again, but it really wasn’t my fault this time… well at least I don’t think it was. All I did was mention to the culprit that we weren’t really from a private security firm and that we knew he was working with an Ifrit. I told him that so he knew we were serious about finding this Ifrit. How was I supposed to know that he would divulge that information to the police the first chance he got? *Sigh* Guess that’s one more cover story we can no longer use…

Naji was definitely not happy with me; we literally had to make a run for it. He didn’t speak to me on our way home, just kept muttering to himself about how much trouble I bring him (honestly, I’m starting to think there’s a truth to his ramblings). At the end of the day we couldn’t find the Ifrit responsible, we didn’t even get his/her name which was a big disappointment. I was really hoping to catch another evil Ifrit, which could have been one more lead towards finding out Etana’s whereabouts.

But enough of that! On a brighter note, it seems we’ll be heading to London pretty soon. I don’t really know the details of the case (that kind of stuff is Naji’s & Ninil’s responsibility) but something tells me this is going to be interesting. London is certainly fascinating with its large mix of culture and vibrant streets. Who knows maybe this time I will actually get to travel around the city and see everything it has to offer, I’ll have to find a way to shake Naji though… hmmm time to start drafting up ideas.

Saturday 5 July 2014


Hey Guys

Hameed Catel here, we would like to introduce you all to our next BIG project; Jinn Detectives! 

Jinn Detectives is a brand new series and it is one of two derivatives of Kirucomics first ever project Jinn Manga

The series is about a young man called Hani who has dedicated his life to stopping the activities of the bad Jinn in today’s world.
After the murder of his family, Hani sets out to get revenge on the Jinni that organized their deaths. However with the help of a good female Jinni called Ninil and his best friend; Naji, he is able to make his life about more than just revenge. He is able to make his life about something positive, helping others and making the world a better place in general. He becomes a Jinn detective, and the trio start their own private international agency which accepts requests from people all over the world.
 Hani is now determined to use his set of unique skills to clamp down on criminal Jinn activity all over the world, but will his thirst for revenge eventually lead to something better to drag him down into the darkness?

Currently we are working on the pilot chapter of the series. The pilot chapter will be approximately 80 pages long and will soon be available to pre order, but you'll have to hurry as there will be only 82 hard copies available. 

Thursday 29 May 2014


Kirucomics along with many other comic makers were at the MCMExpo this past weekend. We had a table at the comic village CH9 and were selling our latest graphic novel Champion of Dema.

The comic con was such a blast, we had fun meeting funny people, messing around with cosplayers and of course telling the world about Champion of Dema.

Quite a lot of people came to buy Champion of Dema this weekend, it was actually very popular. And everyone that we spoke to about the story found the concept to be an interesting one, so it seems safe to say we might have a winning story with us.

We also got to meet other awesome comic creators like Paul Dauffield and of course the awesome guys at subversive comics.
To all those that bought the Champion of Dema graphic novel from us, please don't forget to give us feedback on our facebook page by going to
Now that the MCM is over, the next step for us at Kirucomics is to continue to push Champion of Dema as much as possible whilst at the same time starting on a new project. A manga series known as Jinn Detective

Much Love
Hameed Catel

Sunday 11 May 2014


Hello World! 

Champion of Dema 90 page graphic novel

This is Hameed catel and I’m here to tell you that the Champion of Dema graphic novel has officially landed. That’s right our awesome Afrocentric comic book about a young thief’s sudden twist of fate is finally ready to be enjoyed by the masses.

The stand-alone graphic novel is 90 pages long but the ebook is double that amount because there are two versions in it. There’s the pure English version then there’s also the English & Pidgin (broken English) version.

You can buy the physical book from the kirucomics online store at It is also available on our etsy store at
The Ebook is available for purchase from the etsy store and also from the amazononline kindle store. We’re also currently working on getting it on comixology to make it as convenient as possible for you guys.

And just to wet your appetite for this fantastic story and show you guys just how confident we are that you’re going to love it; I have made the first 27 pages available for free on the kirucomics website for your viewing pleasure. All you have to do is visit our website and you can now read this very unique story and see what I’ve been going on and on about these past few months.

P.S. if you see anything else on the kirucomics store that you like then don’t hesitate to buy ;)

Sunday 13 April 2014


That’s right people!

What we've all been waiting for is finally complete. Champion Of Dema is done! All 82 pages of artwork have been inked and revised. Can't believe we made it, all the way from a kickstarter campaign and now to a finished product. The novel is going to be pretty awesome if we do say so ourselves... Here's a quick sample :)  
A completed double page spread from Champion of Dema.

What we're doing now is compiling the pages together, going through each page, proof reading, rearranging and just making sure everything is 100% top notch. We're also working on additional pages like credits, journal excerpts and so on.
Pretty soon we should be looking to send the pdf book off to the printers and then it’s only a matter of time before we get back the hard copies and all the beautiful people that pledged and contributed can finally receive their rewards all at once.
Then the next step will be promotion... doing our best to spread the word and get this graphic novel into every comic scene that we can. That is going to be the difficult part and we sincerely hope you guys will be willing to help us in any you can with that.
We're so excited and honestly can’t wait for the world to read this graphic novel. We would love to hear all your opinions on it :) 
That’s all the news we have for now folks