Friday 29 March 2013


CHARACTER’S NAME:  Rose Beaumont
AGE: 36
Dual nationality

Journal Entry 1

I left Nepal today, a nation just learning to stand on its own feet again. Samir organized a pleasant surprise send off for me, I’m still not sure if it was wise to leave him behind. At 15 he’s the youngest I’ve ever discovered. One more year and he’ll be just old enough for G9. The Elders will be pleased, we haven’t had anyone so young since Sebastian 5 years ago. I wonder what they’ll think if they knew he had been using the flame since the age of 12. No doubt the comparison to Shinji will be inevitable.

What’s most fascinating about Samir’s situation is that his people know what he is. Yet they don’t fear, reject or even revere him. He is simply treated as just another member of the community. Moreover they welcomed me with open arms knowing full well who I was. The only logical explanation I can think of at the moment for this unusual attitude is that Nepal must have not been affected during the dark days. I must remember to look further into the matter, maybe there are other places in the world where Almier and flame users are treated as equals.

 I am still in the air, on a questionable light aircraft. We have just entered Chhattisgarh and will be landing at Bilaspur Airport in 15 minutes. There have been reports of unknown flame users in the forests around the area.

Maybe he is somehow entangled in it.

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